Memories, A Legacy for ALL to Leave

As we get older and gain more experience in the woods, utilizing skills and tactics that you have learned over the years, seems to bring a little more success. You start to harvest bigger game and find out what works and what doesn’t for your hunts. However, no matter how many deer you harvest that first buck always stays with you.

I remember my first buck, not a monster but a decent 8-point. I was 17 years old and it was the first Monday after Thanksgiving. It was a cool morning in northwest PA. I set out early around 5:00 a.m., still recovering from the late night at hunting camp, playing cards, reminiscing about previous hunts and catching up with friends that I had not seem in a while. I remember walking through the woods in the moonlight to my “secret spot”, thinking to myself that this is going to be a good day. As I walked down the trail and got close to my destination, I spooked three doe. I think I was just as startled as they were as they darted past me into the woods. I arrived at my sport around 5:45 a.m. and climbed up to the rock that I had made a make shift bind on the day before. I set up my stool and started the waiting game. Now it was just a matter of time until the sun came up and awake the woods and the game within.

Around 8:30 am I stared to get a little cold, so it decided to pour a cup of coffee from my thermos and have a snack to warm up. Just as I finish pouring my coffee, I heard crashing above me in the distance. When I turned to look at the top of the hill, I saw a doe sprinting towards me. She was moving so quickly I couldn’t get a good shot at her. So, I put my gun back down and started to drink my coffee. After a few moments I heard some more crashing at the top of the hill. As I glanced up the hill again there was the 8-point walking down and getting closer to my rock. As it approached, I could tell it was a legal buck with some nice size. My heart was racing, and the nerves started to take over, this was the first time that I had seen a nice buck in the woods that was close enough to get a shot at. I took a few deep breaths and positioned my .243 on that sweet spot. After I pulled the trigger, the buck ran about 25 yards away and began to wobble and it took its last few steps. I was filled with excitement as I climbed down from my rock to walk over to my kill to examine the deer better. I was immediately on the phone to share with my success with my father and of course to come help drag it out. I was still shaking so bad from the excitement and adrenaline that I could barely hold the phone to my ear. As I was gutting out the deer, I was overwhelmed by the thankfulness and the opportunity to harvest such a magnificent creature and to share it with my father. I was presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity that so many of us share, and I couldn’t wait to tell this story to my fellow hunters back at camp.   

Cro-Mag Outdoors Gage's First Buck

Comment below and share your story about your first buck or deer that you harvested. The Cro-Mag Outdoors team would love to hear your stories and share in your memories. Hunting is all about passing on traditions and memories to your loved ones and fellow hunters/huntresses. It is what we leave behind in our legacy.

Cro-Mag Outdoors

Tradition, Re-engineered

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