There are two side to every story, but the argument on broadheads realistically only has one right answer. That answer is, they both work plain and simple. The only true defying answer on the broadhead argument is shot placement.
Homemade mineral is a cheaper alternative than purchasing factory produced supplement. It costs roughly 75 dollars to make 200 lbs. of mineral, which translates to $0.38/ lb. A typical bag of mineral costs the consumer $2.00/ lb. Making your own supplement will provide a $1.62/lb. savings, which can now be spent on other needs.
Scent Control has been a long-disputed topic between sportsman/women. The idea that deer can be influenced by human scent does not sit easy with some folks. But the fact of the matter is that deer can smell at higher levels than humans and they can pick up on unfamiliar smells. Smells that will cause them to turn a different direction or avoid an area all together.
When we miss a shot or make a mistake, most of us get that sick feeling in our gut of disappointment. This, for many, is hard to recover from and can be the difference between finding success or continual disappointment.